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Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:21:44 -0500
Melissa Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Good Day, All!
I've seen some discussion lately on both the FML & the Ferret Forum Digest
re: vaccinations and what I call "visitations", where people take their
ferrets out into public and allow them to act as "ambassadors".  May I take
a moment to humbly comment on these topics?
VACCINATIONS - Regardless what your state's policy is regarding
vaccinations, please consider taking these relatively inexpensive
precautions both to protect your fuzzy's health and life.  Not only could
they contract rabies or distemper, but if they were to nip, bite or scratch
someone, even accidentally, proof of vaccination could help to keep your
fuzzy out of the Slammer... or WORSE!
I know that there is a web site that outlines each state's policy but I
can't recall it offhand... would someone please post it?
VISITATIONS - The idea of educating the public about the Wonderful World
of Ferretdom is a good one, indeed, but please note not only the above
vaccination considerations, but also the fact that FUZZIES CAN CONTRACT
ILLNESSES FROM HUMANS.  With any number of germs on a stranger's hands that
your fuzzy might not have immunities built to withstand, you could again be
risking your baby's health - only this time in the name of education AND
with the best intentions.
I'm sure there's more information that could be useful here... I hope that
those more "in the know" will free to add to this discussion.
Happy Dooks to All,
Happy New Year to All with LOVE from Dexter, Cocoa, MoJo & RockStar...
                ALL of us are missing Dodger  :-(
[Posted in FML issue 2560]