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Thu, 14 Jan 1999 00:53:30 -0500
Rachel Gay <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi all!  This is partially in response to a question in Wednesday's FML
about a hyper ferret and too many raisins, and partially my opinion on
treat quantities.
While I understand the urge to give your ferrets treats, I am leary of
how much good it does to give your ferret raisins (plural) a day.  In my
experience, the more treats you give your ferret, the less likely they are
to eat their real food.  This presents a dilemma when they look at you
with those little eyes and ask so nicely, but treats should be given in
moderation so that they get the proper nutrients from their food!
A normal day in my house does not include treats.  They may get a couple
of drops of Ferretone a week outside of nail clipping which is done as
needed, about twice month.  They get a Craisin or a raisin maybe once a
week.  When I was giving out treats more liberally, they were expected
as a part of the routine and not enjoyed the same way they are now.
My suggestion for those who want to give more treats is to break the raisin
in half and that way you can give two treats for the price of one!
I have six ferrets who eat Totally Ferret (which for the uninitiated is,
bar none, the best thing that ever happened to us) and all of them are
happy, healthy, and pleasingly plump.  They don't seem to miss the treats
and I don't feel bad by not giving them more.  If you are feeding a high
quality diet, supplements are not necessary and all extra treats do is fill
up space in their little tummies that could be put to better use!
This is just my opinion, based on experience, take what you want and
leave the rest.
[Posted in FML issue 2555]