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Mon, 11 Jan 1999 07:28:59 -0500
Rebecca McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
I've got a question I hope someone can help me with.  The three humans of
the household have all had colds within the last week.  First it was the
SO, then me, now the kid.  Larry stayed away from the fuzzies and I did all
the handling of them.  However, over the weekend I was disastrously struck
by this bug.  I had Larry & Sara take over their care, and now the kid has
it (naturally I'm catching you know what for her being down now).
Anyway, last night I noticed Socks sort of gagging, and found some runny
poops (the poop patrol is on alert!).  I thought he might be having a
slight hairball, so gave them all some petromalt.  (Yes, I know, I was
handling them, but wasn't sneezing or anything).  This morning there's
still some slight runnies in the pan, but nothing serious.  All are eating
and drinking fine (I know, I've watched), I've checked all to make sure no
one is dehydrated, too.  Could it be that Socks might have a touch of the
cold, and whoever has the runnies does too?  Socks is a big treat eater,
and I was afraid maybe Larry had given him too many yesterday morning, and
then I gave him two last night.
I've seen stories of kidnapped Elmos and Furbies, so have to add one.  I'm
a Tigger fan, and our niece and great-nephew gave me a bouncing Tigger for
Christmas.  Sara decided to see what the fuzzies and cats would do, so she
set Tigger down, then set him off.  Tigger the kitten thought it was neat,
the rest of the cats ignored him, Socks was bored, the babies didn't know
what to do, Sculley and Genie smelled him, but Kit attacked!  She'd run up
and grab his arm or tail and try to drag him off.  The family was
hysterical watching her try to do this.  I finally had to tell the kid to
put him up, I was afraid she'd tear him up out of frustration.
To the lady whose roommate has the wolf hybrid.  These can be great
animals, but they can also go ballistic at any second.  I read where
someone had a couch with a squeaky spring and their hybrid attacked and
tore the couch apart thinking it was a mouse.  I wish I knew what to tell
you to do for her, other than try to be very careful.
For those wanting to have ferrets and cats live together.  We had three
mature (well, Dribble & Chewie think they are) cats when we got our first
ferret.  Sarabi & Dribble were fascinated, but Chewie was totally p----d!
He wouldn't come into the bedroom for almost two weeks.  Once he got used
to Socks though, its been a breeze for him to accept the others.  All three
cats were furious when Tigger started staying with us on weekends, and then
came to live permanently.  Tigger, on the other hand, being rejected by the
three older cats, was immediately accepted by the ferrets-therefore giving
the little bugger an identity crisis!  Our greatest worry (mine, at least)
was when we brought Kit, then Calvin & Suzy Derkins home and all three must
have been between 5-6 weeks old.  I was afraid the cats would think them
mice, but Larry assured me the ferrets would take care of themselves.  We
still have to watch Tigger with Calvin & Suzy, but they're getting the
better of him all the time.  Pretty soon it'll be no contest.
Thanks for any help to the 'cold question'.  Dooks to all and sympathy to
all who've lost their beloved fuzzkids.
Rebecca, Larry & Sara
Socks, Kit, Sculley, Genie, Calvin & Suzy(Ferrets rule!)
Chewie, Dribble, Sarabi, & Tigger (Ok, guys, you go that way, you-there
let's surround them---oops, one just ran under me!)
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2553]