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Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:04:29 -0800
Sunshine <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Well our new 9 week old male ferret and son had some funny experiences.
First one was when Brennan was holding fluff fluff 5-6 inches away from
his nose and he bite my son's nose.  We both laughed about this for days.
Since I had it on Video we hope to send it into America's Funniest Video.
The second happened today.  We still can't get fluff fluff to potty train
in the same spot in the kitchen.  So he started to go into the corner and
I picked him up to bring him to his litter box.  Well on the way shit was
going on over the floor.  The litter box was on the other side of the
kitchen.  So I put him down and asked Brennan to watch him while I cleaned
up.  Well for some odd reason I puked on the way to the bathroom from the
mess, hehe..  Then while my son was trying to catch fluff fluff he stuck
his head there this iron holder I have and could not get out.  He tried and
tried and there were other things in the way.  We thought we were going to
have to call 911 since he was stuck.  Thankfully in time he was able to get
out and fluff fluff went to his room.  It was hard trying to help him and
laugh at the same time.  Thanks for listening.
[Posted in FML issue 2552]