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Thu, 7 Jan 1999 10:13:50 -0500
Pamela Greene <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
>From:    Peter Flanagan <[log in to unmask]>
>You all seem to have effectionate, snuggly fuzzies and I don't!  [...]
>Their attitude is "feed us, play with us and then leave us alone".  This
>makes me terribly sad and frustrated, when I read about all the other
>fuzzies who sound so different.  What can I do?
There are a couple of things at work here.  First, age: you didn't mention
how old yours are, but most ferrets are much snugglier at 5 than they were
at 2.  The ferret's individual personality is also important; some ferrets
are just cuddlier than others.  Most ferrets would rather be playing than
sit still for a long petting session.  People with more ferrets are
naturally more likely to have at least one cuddler, but even then it's not
guaranteed.  Also, since really cuddly ferrets aren't as common, people
like to brag about them more on the FML.  :-)
Finally, the more tired a ferret is, the more likely he'll be willing to
curl up in your lap, and once he's slept there a few times (perhaps under
a warm sweatshirt, especially on a chilly winter day) he's more likely to
want to do it again.  I have two ferrets, one who's always been a real
snuggler (we chose him just for that) and one who even at age 5.5 still
just wants to be playing or exploring.  In winter, though, they'll both
happily climb onto my lap and between my sweatshirt and T-shirt while I'm
sitting at the computer.  It leads to poor posture and odd looks from
passersby, but it's very cozy.
Good luck!
- Pam Greene                                   | If you were going to found
Ferret Central <http://www.ferretcentral.org/> | a preservation society for
   ftp://ftp.optics.rochester.edu/pub/pgreene/ | light, you'd want to invite
   INDEX FERRET to <[log in to unmask]>  | waveguides. --Turan Erdogan
[Posted in FML issue 2549]