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Thu, 24 Dec 1998 15:12:11 EST
Bill Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I have had my ferret for about a month now.  His name is FURO.  I usaually
let him run around my room at least 2-3 hours a day if not more.  But every
time I let him out he runs to the door and crawls under it and out into the
rest of the house.  I wouldnt have a problem with it but I am worried he
will find a mouse hole (wich I hope we have none of) and get lost in the
walls or find his way out side and get lost.  If anyone can help please
e-mail me.  Oh yea I almost forgot, I have a 4 story cage for my little
guy.  He poops on every level not only on the bottom level where I have his
litter and his litter box.  How can I get him to stop ?  One more thing, I
am always going places , not like long trips but just running around or
walking around in the summer.  I would really like to be able to bring FURO
along with me some times.  The most conveienient way for me would be in a
back pack.  I have tried to get him to walk around the house in one but he
always is trying to get out.  Is there a way i can train him to stay in
until I let him out?  I would also like to know some good treat and games
to play wiith him and what some of you guys have taught your fuzzies to do.
Thanks ssoooooooooooooo much
Bill and FURO
[Posted in FML issue 2535]