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Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:38:01 -0800
Carla Almaraz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Marie and FML,
>(2) Offer ferret "educational" services. (Very important!)
>FAQ's, phone help and decision making about whether "Are ferrets are a pet
>for you?" Include a short notice about ferret shelters having ferrets
I think I am in a position to help here.  Putting together is document like
this is time consuming.  Several years ago, I wrote a handout called "Is a
ferret the right pet for you?" I've updated it frequently since then.  I've
been told it's one of the most consise but helpful pieces of information
that people have read.  It has 8 questions to ask yourself prior to getting
a ferret.  While it's not a complete "here's everything you need to know"
it does cover the basics.  And it is blunt about the "negative" side of
ferret ownership.  The summary starts:
"If you answered any of these questions NO, then a ferret may not be right
for you.  There are already too many unwanted ferrets looking for a new
place to live with someone who will care for and spend time with them.
Please consider all the factors involved in pet care including time, money,
and health care before you decide to purchase a ferret.
I am willing to make this document available for other groups and shelters
to use.  I am in the process of finding someone that has the Adobe Acrobat
software to convert it to .pdf format.  The document could be downloaded
and then stamped with the contact information about the group or shelter.
I'll let everyone know where to find it in a couple of days.
[Posted in FML issue 2525]