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Tue, 17 Nov 1998 23:29:50 -0700
Carrie Jo Fattig <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
OK, everyone.  I have a ferret who is very obviously fat.  I've had him
into the vet, who thinks that it is NOT a medical problem, rather a
physiological or behavioral one...either a slow metabolism, or a GLUTTON!
Logan is...shall we say...rather large around the midsection.  He IS
active, and plays with the other ferrets and the cat just as much as Sassy
and Simon.  I'm very seriously considering putting him on a "restricted"
Could this recent weight gain be due to the fact that it's winter?  Kinda
like a survival instinct...stock up on fat for the winter?  If this is so,
should I still be worried?
I would like to know (if I DO end up putting him on a diet) if it is better
to put him on a "diet" cat food or continue with the Iams Kitten that he is
on and put him on a 2 or 3 times a day schedule to eat.  If I go with the
"diet" food, is it still ok to give him Ferretone?
The poor dear, he'll have to be separated from Simon and Sassy, but for our
Christmas present to each other, Hubby and I are getting a very large cage,
4 levels and lots of room, lots of space, so Logan could have the old cage
to himself, a 3 level.  I will definitely slide the 2 cages together so he
can at least talk to the other two through the side of the cage during the
It's to the point that I HAVE to do something or it's going to really
affect his health.  I've noticed him slowing down a bit in the past couple
of days.  He does get lots of exercise, he just either eats the lion's
share of the food, or doesn't metabolize it as fast as Simon and Sassy.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Carrie Jo
Simon, Logan and Sassy (Ferrets)
Alyeska and Camalot (Sleddogs)
Maximum Maulin' Max (The ENORMOUS kitten)
[Posted in FML issue 2497]