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Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:32:30 EST
Daisy Kosta <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I'm new on the FML and was looking for advice about my ferret.  I have two
males who were purchased together and are 3 yrs old.  Clare weighs 3 1\2
lbs and is a ball of energy.  He has always been healthy and vigorous.
Rocky, on the other hand, has always been scrawny, he weighs about 1 1\2
lbs.  I always assumed he was a runt.  In Feb. of 1998, Rocky became very
sick, couldnt walk without backside falling down, not eating or drinking,
listless.  After many tests and many $'s , we found out Rocky had stomach
ulcers.  He was on 2 different antibiotics, peptol bismal, vitamins, and
duck soup for a month.  I had to take him to work in my carrier and feed
him with an eye dropper.  He recovered nicely and I thought he would perk
up and gain weight.  He didnt.  Now in Nov., he has lost the hair on the
end of his tail and seems very tired.  He still eats just fine but when he
comes out to play, he will go back to bed after only 5 minutes.  I have
noticed what seems to be and smells like urine in his hammock.
any advice would be welcome.
Clare, Rocky, and Daisy
[Posted in FML issue 2496]