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Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:58:00 EST
Catherine Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (78 lines)
I spoke with Maggie yesterday, and she slept through the damn tornado
thing.  Scared me to death when my Mother called me at work here in Utah to
tell me about it.  She had tried to get a hold of Maggie with no success,
and was worried.  I called and couldn't get in touch with her (I forgot
about her classes).  I sent a frantic e-mail.  Maggie finally called me at
work and let me know that she and her ferreties, cats (and the bald poodle)
were fine.  I was hoping the invasion of the Utah contingent didn't bring
bad luck or anything.
I hope too that Mr. Church and his family and ferrets made it through ok.
Tornados are terrible things.  I have been in my share, and seen the
aftermath of them.  Not a pretty sight.
Oh, and to Laurie who wrote about the tornado and about living 90 miles or
so East of Columbia, are you from the St.  Charles area?  (Somewhere in
there?) That's my hometown as it were, and one of the many places we were
on our whirlwind tour of Missouri last week.  I sure love the place and
wish I was still there.
Maggie really does have a beautiful home and is a gracious hostess, even if
she does freeze her house guests..........just kidding dear.............
Seriously though folks, I am completely convinced that the reason
William and Harry's little testicles have not dropped yet is out of
self-preservation.  They are keeping the little jewels warm!  See, Maggie
likes to keep it around 64 or so in her house.  No lie.  (And she thought
it was hot!)  When Luis and I went to bed, we hit those sheets and were
afraid to move.  We'd get the area we were laying on warm, and if you move
you hit another area of ice cold sheets......... When I turned on the
shower in the morning, steam rose AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE WATER REALLY
HOT YET!  (I have to kid her about this.  LOL!)
Her ferrets think I smell funny too.  See, Maggie uses all natural personal
care and cleaning products (smart woman!) and perfumes.  I unfortunately
don't.  So between the scented soaps, lotions, mousse, hair spray,
deodorant and makeup that Luis and I use between us (well, he doesn't use
the makeup.......), and my nasty cigarette smoke, we must have made some
interesting smells for them.  Pookie kept power sniffing me and wondering
what I was about (what a sweet, loving little ferrety.....).
Oh, and Maggie dear, Luis did leave you a few strands of hair.  Remember
your car?  Luis is a fairly tall man, and he kept getting his hair caught
in the hand hold going into the back seat.  (Rather amusing in dark hear AY
AY AY, it's got me......help me.........!  Amusing for us anyway.  But Luis
took it in good stride.)
Maggie is a wonderful, wonderful friend and a charming woman.  I am proud
to know her and look forward to seeing her again.  It was a rare treat.
Her ferreties are in excellent health and beautifully maintained, too.
I've always wondered how people with large number of ferrets do it, and
Maggie showed me how.  She knows each individual by more than name.  She
knows their likes, dislikes, temperaments, etc.  She also spends individual
time with each one, and they all obviously love their Mommy a lot.  Mr.
William and Harry are gorgeous.  (I think she needs to get Miss Teriyaki
from the Peterson's and breed her with Mr. William.  I WANT A BABY FAT BOY -
OR TWO OR THREE.......)  Maggie's care of her ferrets in love in action and
she is to be applauded.
I got to meet the Peterson's and see their shelter ferrets.  Such nice
people, and such sweet ferrets.  Little Angel fell in love with Miss Dione
(who she still thinks is a baby ferret.....) and I fell in love with
Broadway, their mascot.  He's so sweet.  ( I do think Sara thought Angel
and I were nuts though walking around the cages going "there's a No-no,
and there's another No-no.  We were referring to the albinos.  We call
our Snowball "No-no" and were thinking how they looked like him... I did
explain to here that we were not being critical, just communicating in our
odd fashion).
Well, this is getting long, so I had better go.  Everyone keep their
fingers crossed for me.  I had Momma get me another Power ball ticket.
See, if I win the millions I have lots of plans for my family and friends
(and of course the ferret shelters I know.....................)
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie
[Posted in FML issue 2490]