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Sun, 8 Nov 1998 08:00:01 -0800
Peg Francisco <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
All creative FML people, please help!!!!  My ferret family has just grown
by TWO!  Freckles, Frolic, and Jersey gave six paws up to adopting one of
the three kids that we're fostering.  Hes a large sable male who looks like
he was put together by committe!  He's got white patches on his back legs
(looks like he's worn holes in his knees), an oddly shaped jaggedy white
bib, and his overall coloring varies randomly from dark sable to reddish.
He's a sweetie and gives lots of kisses.  Our other addition is a male
chocolate sable kit.  He's about the color of chocolate milk, with a very
faint blaze.  I's sooo fun to have a baby, and my furkids are being really
kind and gentle with him.  It's great watching the little guy figure out
that reality is room to run and play, lots of toys and a kitty to
I don't know how much more ferret math I can take!!!!!!
Peg, Freckles, Frolic, Jersey, Chuy (foster), Little Guy
Adoptee, Unnamed Baby, and Kirby the Wonder Cat
[Posted in FML issue 2487]