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Sat, 7 Nov 1998 22:47:56 EST
Erica Walker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Thanks to the responses I received about my Smelly Ferret.  All were
helpful!  It's been decided: No more baths unless very dirty!  (I am,
however, going to scrunch her tail with a warm, damp washcloth when it
gets too yellow, but that's minor.)
Napoleon had a vet visit today, and thankfully it was all good!  I'm still
learning how to scruff her so she doesn't nip when I clean her ears and
just how strongly I can handle her without hurting her.  (She's so small
I'm nervous!  Only 1.4 lbs!  and she's 4!) The only thing I'm worried about
is thin fur.  I'm giving her Ferretvite every day to bulk her up a bit and
I'm working on changing her food to a higher protein content so she gets
more out of it, but are there ferrets out there who just have thin fur by
nature?  Do they really get more fuzzy with winter?  The difference in the
postings of late confuse me.  Her prior owner says she's been thin since
birth, but looking at the two at the pet store I've become concerned.  (It
was damned hard not to bring the blond girl and sable boy home with me as
well!  I know I'm in for it 'cause I know what I would name them too!)
My deepest love and prayers go out to all those with ill fuzzies.  I've
been made very aware of the short lifespan and troubles ferrets can have
and I pray my new friend is happy until it is her time too.  So I'm
planning all sorts of neat things for the winter (I just moved so I have
tons of small and medium boxes that will be stuck together with connecting
holes to make a huge maze) and looking forward to the spring(shots- for my
peace of mind- and walks and a sandbox for hers) and hopefully a long-lived
On another topic: 'Poli has been very good, and is trying her hand (paw?)
at being litter trained with Yesterday's News.  She only had paper in the
corner for most of her life and it has been two weeks now that she's been
figuring out how this litter pan thing goes.  I've had to block off every
other corner with her water bottle, food and shoebox house (REALLY taped
down) so the only corner left to go in was the one with the litter pan in
it, and it's working.  But I want to give her free run while I'm home
without finding poop and puddles in hidden corners!  How does one go about
convincing an older ferret that the pan's the best and ONLY place to go?
Should there be one pan in every room?  One in the hallway only for her to
access from anywhere?  ????????????!  Any suggestions would be greatly
One more thing: (Man this is a long note) 'Poli is very sweet and well
behaved, but she kisses me only a little (after Ferretvite) and doesn't
cuddle at all!  Could this be because we are too new to each other?  Or is
this a personality trait?  Prior owner says she's a typical ferret in that
respect, but many of your stories are of affectionate ferrets and I'm
wondering if it just hasn't been enough time yet.  Maybe I'm wanting too
much (I've been a dog person up to this point.  A Siberian Husky owner
to boot) and changing animals- I don't know quite what to expect.  Am I
paranoid too?  Sigh.... I'm sure all is fine if I just give her time.
Erica   (Come here you sweet ferret you!)
Napoleon         (Aw mom!  Do I hafta? )
[Posted in FML issue 2486]