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Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:46:20 -0800
Ariel White <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Greetings to the wonderful world of ferretdom.
Victoria: Don't be discouraged that your kits aren't cuddlers.  Someone
once told me that until ferrets are about a year old they are all energy;
the older they get the more they interact with you on a personal level.
*None* of my ferrets would sit on my lap when they were young.  Now,
sometimes they all crawl up and pile on my lap for one big communal cuddle!
:-) The only thing I did was make sure I held them alot when they were
little, and never, ever put them down when *they* wanted.  Kinda like
giving your little boy a kiss when you say goodbye at the schoolyard; he
may wipe it off now but one day that love will pay off.
Jim: Advantage flea control is a wonderful thing.  I'd never seen fleas on
a ferret before until I rescued Kayla, but I read enough here to know that
there was hope!:-) Pick up some Advantage from your vet, part the fur and
put 1-2 drops on the back of your ferrets' head, just below between the
ears.  That's it.  Oh, and don't let your fuzzies play together until it's
dry; you don't want them grooming it off each other and eating it.  It
works for one month, if you want you can repeat it a month later.  It
depends on how bad fleas are in your area.  You should treat your greyhound
too, but use a whole vial on him (as per the vets instructions).
Meghan: Your story about Dervish and the PJ's made me laugh til the tears
ran!!  I think you've just won "most embarrassing ever" ferret story!
Dervish sounds like she's a real character- I like her spunk.  :-)
Jasper, Baxter & Kayla (fleas, what fleas?)
Ferret Proverb: A raisin in the mouth is worth two in the hand...but try to
get those too.
[Posted in FML issue 2475]