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Mon, 26 Oct 1998 23:10:35 EST
Kaycie Silver <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi guys,
I have to stress how happy I am to get such wonderful and supportive e-mail
from people on this list.  I promise that I will write back to everyone
individually expressing my gratitude.
As of now, I told my boyfriend that I need time away from him so that I can
think about things because again he is going on and on about how, in his
words, "You took away my animal and you are not my mother.  You can't tell
me what I should or shouldn't do with my animal, I could skin him and cook
him for dinner and he would still be my animal and that would be my
decision because he is my animal." HELLO!!!!!  That is when I said that it
is time for me to get off of the phone and give me some time to think about
things.  Oh I just remembered what else he said that made me think,"You
know this ferret is going to break us up, he is just a rodent on the bottom
of the food chain that I can care less about and you are going to chose him
over me."  I HATE WHEN PEOPLE CALL FERRETS RODENTS!!!!  That is when I said
to myself, "Self, you gotta get rid of this jerk!" So slowly but surely I
am getting rid of him.  I spent 4 years with this idiot!  Thanks for
letting me vent!!
Once again thanks to everyone that wrote to me, you made my day go a lot
smoother and now I don't feel so crazy.  A lot of people were worried that
I would "flame them" if I didn't like what they said.....Listen, if I can't
handle the truth why should I ask for opinions.  I rather honesty than lies
that just try to make me feel better.
Kaycie and the trio
-Maggie, Spanky and my dearist Smokie who made me open my eyes.
[Posted in FML issue 2474]