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Thu, 22 Oct 1998 11:05:03 -0400
Gail Shochet <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
My apologies to some of you who emailed me privately re Dr. Weiss'
treatment of my 7.5-year old adrenal/insulinoma boy, and received no
answer.  I've been as usual, disorganized and I've misplaced the emails.
The patriarch of our 'business', Elie Wiesel, is doing well on Proscar and
Prednisone, he has a lot more energy, is no longer wobbly, and has grown
back most of his fur as well as put on weight.  The poor boy was almost
naked and you could see every bone in his body when we started this--I was
sure that I was going to lose him very soon.  I know medication is not a
'permanent' solution but if I can buy him another year or so he will have
lived quite comfortably to a very respectable old age.  Elie has had two
surgeries and Dr. Weiss feels he has removed as much of the adrenal tissue
as he can.  I am reluctant to subject him to any more surgery.
Anyhow, here's the dosage info.  Elie is on Proscar, a testosterone
blocker.  Some ferrets need an estrogen blocker instead, while some need
both (per Dr. Weiss).  Dr. Weiss indicates that while a Tennessee panel
will give further clues as to which treatment is indicated, it does not
hurt to try one and then the other to see which does the job.  As Elie has
had some prostate enlargement and was exhibiting aggressive behavior toward
his cagemates, we tried Proscar first and it seems to do the job.
Dosage Info:
Pediapred 6.75mg\5 ml, 1 ml per day
Proscar 5 mg\ml, 0.1 ml per day
Dr. Weiss has consistently told me that if any vets or shelters wish to
contact him for more information on his treatment of adrenal disease and
insulinoma, they should not hesitate to call.  His office number is
301-299-4142.  Feel free to use me as a reference.  He is a great resource,
and truly devoted to treating ferrets.  He is located at the Potomac Animal
Hospital in Potomac, Maryland.
Gail Shochet
[Posted in FML issue 2470]