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Thu, 22 Oct 1998 00:30:34 EDT
Kaycie Silver <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi everyone,
I would like to thank everybody who e-mailed me about Maggie and Spanky's
itching.  Well lastnight I decided to give them an oatmeal bath to realive
the itching and I must stress how well it worked.  So if anyone has any
itchy ferrets, an oatmeal bath MIGHT be a solution.
As far as Spanky's sneezing and holding his breathe situation, so far he
hasn't given me another heartattack.  Thankfully Jena (a fellow FMLer)
wrote to me with thoughts that he knocked the wind out of him.  So that
kinda put my thoughts to rest for a while.  However, I still will keep an
eye on him.
Anyway I just thought that I would share something that my ferrets do to
amuze me and I am wondering if your guys do the same.  For one I keep
Maggie and Spanky in my room all day and if I leave the room and come back
there's always something new going on.  It just seems that everytime I come
back into the room I have Spanky greeting me by the door with his little
war dance and he creates a decoy so that I don't see Maggie and she sneaks
out of the room.  It just amazes me that they are so smart.  Once I notice
that Spanky is lunging for the door I realize that Maggie is gone.  Of
course I get them back into the room by shaking their treats what ferret
wouldn't want a yummy!  Just the other day I couldn't find Spanky and when
I finallly found him he was in my top dresser draw.  I'm still trying to
figure out how he got in there because this dresser is TALL.
Wow I always have a lot to say.  I'm sorry for making this as long as
Dooks to all
--Spanky ("Mommy hand me over those treats and when you're done bring in
         those big hairy monsters you call cats I want to bite their feet.")
--Maggie ("Yes mommy, my life is very serious being a ferret.")
and of course I won't forget --Smokie-- who is not with us right now, we
are working on getting him back to us because we miss him very much!
One more thing I forgot to add is that I look up to all of you people who
have more than 3 ferrets because I can't imagine how much work more than 3
can be (even though I want more myself).
And once again I must send out my condolences to those who have lost a
furry or have a very sick furry.  My heart goes out to you.
--Kaycie and her double and soon to be AND better be trio:
--Spanky, Maggie and hopefully Smokie => =<
[Posted in FML issue 2469]