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Sun, 18 Oct 1998 12:29:40 EDT
text/plain (39 lines)
Mr. Ben Wilborn,
I do not agree with you that you "have to hurt your ferret." Personally, I
have never had trouble with my ferrets biting because I have always loved
them and cared for them the way they should be cared for.  No ferret should
be hit, flicked on the nose, or whatever, because it is just wrong.  You
don't go around hitting people when you don't agree with something they do,
I also don't agree with someone hitting a doberman (as you said in your
original post).  No animal should be abused in ANY situation!  If you want
to spay or neuter your ferret or pet that is for a humane reason, for their
health.  You're not hurting them because you hit them while you were upset
when they did something wrong.
Many people reading your post are going to think that it is OK to abuse an
animal.  That may be your opinion, but I would have to disagree with you,
as I am sure many people would.
As for us treating our ferrets better than our children: Some of us
consider our ferrets children!  I don't think we are the ones that are
being insensitive because we don't hurt our animals.
I also feel sorry for any ferret or animal that may live with you, Sir.  I
certainly wouldn't want to live with someone that would hurt me for
something I might have done wrong.  I will be sure to go give my fuzzies an
extra hug and kiss this afternoon.
Best regards,
Seven Star Ferrets - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3808/
(Sabrina: "Dook, Dook, give me a raison!"
Sebastian: "Ohh, I wanted that sock!!  Give it to me!!"
Sylvester: "I tawt I taw a putty tat!  Ohh, I did!  She was eating my food!"
Sasha:  "Ok, I'm the princess.  Give me a treat!"
Sadie:  "Yeah, I wanted that stuffed animal but Sasha took it!"
Sir Phoenix:  "Got food?"
Skylar:  "I'm the baby.  Gimme a treat!")
[Posted in FML issue 2466]