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Sat, 17 Oct 1998 05:13:58 -0800
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Hi Fertfolks! ;o)
Ferris sez, "Weez inna toooo cooool houz 'n runnninnin allz 'roun DOOK!"
and as always, "Mom 'n me, weez prayin fer furrits 'n folkz on dis FML."
And Mom sez, isn't life a wonderful thing, with all it's twists and it's
adventures! What a blessing it is to know that ultimately it is by the
Will and Grace of God alone, what my tomorrows will bring, of people to
cross my path, of events to occur, and even when my tomorrows shall end.
We wanted to comment on this "venting" post . . .
>From:    Ben Wilborn <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: I need to vent!!!
>Because biting your owner is WRONG!! God forbid you repremand your
>ferret. I am getting real tired of people bashing others on here about
>how they take care of there ferrets. Don't throw stones when you live
>in a glass house. I get the feeling that many people treat there
>ferrets better than their own children, which is totally sick. People
>that subscribe here aren't looking to be flamed by insensitve people.
Firstly, we do agree with Ben, on several points in his post in fact; We
too, though we would state it confidently, and not so dramatically, agree
"biting is wrong", for owners yes, but actually just generally.  We'd also
agree that "bashing" one another on this list is wrong too, but again, not
just over declawing, but generally.  However, we feel we actually see
little "bashing" here on the FML, though at times and with certain issues
we do see folks feel pretty "passionate", whatever their points of view.
Sure, occasionally we've perceived some statements to be, in our own
opinion, "flames", and even more rarely, "offensive", but generally we find
the majority of posts are civil, friendly, informative and fun.  Indeed we
think that BIG does a pretty terrific job of keeping the "hostility" to a
minimum on this list, we're grateful for that, and know that he has and
does, save us all of the FML from a very great deal MORE "bashing" that
would occur here, were it not for his moderation of this list for us.  It
is a fine line to discern between "hostile attack" or "argument" and
"passionate apologetics" or "debate", and we here any way do not at all
envy BIG the job of doing so.
As for the other points within Ben's post, firstly, we find comparison
between "declawing" and "tattooing/spay/neuter/vaccination" absolutely
absurd, and devoid of appropriate balance.  As to an argument of "degree"
of pain involved; with respect to both the tatooing procedure and the
administration of vaccines, the pain levels are 'barely detectable' and are
more comparable to the same activities on a human level, getting a "shot"
is "getting a shot", let's face it, it's not that bad, and having an ear
"tatoo" is almost akin to a simple "ear-piercing", and even with none of
the bad effects like infection in the "hole" afterwards.  Niether of these
procedures are anywhere near in the same league as "declawing" when it
comes to pain!  It should also be pointed out that niether cause the Ferret
to be "permanently mamed/disabled" either, as declawing does.  As well as
possibilities of chronic or fatal infections, and a definite significant
decline in quality of life.  As well, in comparison to shots which are a
mandatory procedure, intended to "save" life by prevention, (this is also
true of spay/neuter practices), declawing is a completely voluntary
elective procedure, which does NOT have any sound "health"
reason/recommendation in it's application, it does NOT "save"or"prevent"
harm or illness for the Ferret.
Secondly, we ourselves find the remarks regarding "treating Ferrets better
than your children is - 'being sick'", to be insensitive, (and which is
contratictory to the supposed point being made - "people aren't looking to
be flamed by insensitive people".  It may well be, that as in our case, the
fertfolk doing all that caring doesen't even have any children, and perhaps
can't have any children, and for them their furrit kids are their
Ferris is certainly considered to be my "family", and naturally gets all
the love and care I have to give, and is happy to receive it.  It's fair
sure that my "situation" will not change to include children in future
either so it's likely that he shall continue to be my "adopted furbaby"
indefinetly.  And finally, I don't feel there is anything "sick" about my
own "caring and loving" my ferret as a true "family member", nor anyone
else behaving in this same manner.  Rather, I find that loving is in fact
a very beneficial practice which is normally demonstrated by "healthy"
"happy" and "well adjusted" people.
Ferris "I luvvvvvs my mom 2 :o)"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
[Posted in FML issue 2465]