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Fri, 16 Oct 1998 02:38:35 EDT
Melissa Furash <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
I generally make it a point not to involve myself in flame wars on this or
any other list but after reading Ms. Cascio's posting re: Fulvio and his
ferrets I was so upset that I felt it necessary.
I want to apologize to Fulvio for her.  I have NEVER in my life heard
(read) such a perfect example of the "ugly american".  "In the United
States we don't do that" is a ridiculous statement!  In Brookline, Mass.
(definately within the US) a person commited unthinkable acts against two
ferrets.  Personally I think that outweighs anything she may think Fulvio
has done.
I admit it (flame away boys and girls) I have spanked my ferrets.  Not
often, but when Snoopy snuck up on me and bit my lip open I disattached
him, scruffed him, hissed just like they do when mad and swatted his
bottom.  This was last year and he never bit me again.  Hubby, ofcourse,
is fair game still.
Statements like "I don't know where you're from, but we don't do that
here." Are insulting and divisive.  This list is a wonderful forum to bring
ferret lovers TOGETHER.  Please try to be kind to each other, and remember,
YOU may not like another person's opinions, you have the right to voice
opposition but you don't have the right to attack.
Thank you BIG for giving us this forum to learn from each other.  And thank
you Fulvio for the politeness of your reply to the post you received.  If
it was anything like the one sent to the list you showed more restraint
than most would have.
Melissa Furash
Snoopy, Meeko, Percy and Bear
[Moderator's note: Actually, I think many animal protection laws are much
stricter in some European countries.  But I digress.  Ms. Cascio's post,
in my opinion, stopped short of a full-scale "flame-war" type post, but
barely.  I prefer to look for the kernel of advice, though I've been known
to look so far between the trees that I miss the forest.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2464]