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Fri, 16 Oct 1998 00:37:59 EDT
Kaycie Silver <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi everybody!  This is my fist time posting so please bare with me.  I have
been a member of this FML for a while and have just been lurking.  There's
a couple of things that I want to talk about.
For one I have 2 ferrets: Maggie (sable and the oldest, almost 1) and
Spanky (I'm not sure what he's called he's a beigeish grayish color).
Anyway I also bought a ferret for my boyfriend and I am regretting that I
did so.  I have Smoky (boyfriends ferret) for this week and I have to bring
him back to him this weekend and I want to FERRETNAP him.  I don't know why
I am acting like this but I got so attached to him and so did my babies.
We visit my boyfriend every weekend so that's when I can see Smoky but that
doesn't seem to be enough.  My boyfriend let me keep him for this week and
I have never seen Smoky so happy.  When the critters are at my house they
are out all day (in my ferret proofed room) and all go to sleep together at
night in their cage.  When Smokys at his house he's in his cage the
majority of the time and he has no companions until my boyfriend gets home
from work.  I know that the best place for him would be with me but I've
been fighting with my boyfriend to keep him.  Am I overreacting?  OH by the
way he has a baby Boa Constrictor AND planning on getting a Rock Python and
he wants Smoky back, ha he's funny.  Now you tell me what you think........
Anyway I just thought that I would share an experience I have had with
Spanky.  He was about 1-2 months old when I discovered worms!!!  Yes a
ferret with worms.  He was the NASTIEST ferret around when it came to food.
I noticed the poor guy was eating so much and would not gain a pound and he
would literally bite my fingers off if I had anything edible in my hands.
It was a catastrophe because at the time I had no clue what was wrong with
him.  I then noticed a wormy like substance in his stool and after
e-mailing the world asking for answers I finally went to the vet.  AND
SPANKY had worms.  To make a long story short (yeah right ha) the vet gave
him a pill (I wish I new what it was called) and he was cured.  My little
dooker stopped his biting and became a normal ferret!
SO if anyone would like to know what the pill was feel free to e-mail me
and I can call my vet and find out.  I will hopefully be around my computer
this weekend.
Oh and I think my e-mail might be in "The Modern Ferret" upcoming issue
because Eric was the first person I cried to about the Spanky situation.
Ok I think that I am done for now. I'm so sorry for this being so long.
Kaycie and hopefully the trio
Maggie ("I don't get why they are always fighting, huh, men!")
Spanky("Smoky stop biting my ears!")
Smoky("Mommy I want to live with YOU, I love biting Spankys ears!")
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2601 (still under construction)
[Posted in FML issue 2463]