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Sat, 10 Oct 1998 10:57:36 PDT
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Hi everybody, having a nice day??  I have two ferrets, Samantha(20months)
and Emily(10months).  They really are usually very well behaved and
freindly, but they do act srtangly from time to time, and I wanted to know
if anyone had heard of something similar.  Samantha's is more of a quirk
really, whenever she gets close to the inside of someone's elboe, she bites
it.  Never bites anyother time.I don't know if it's becaues the skin there
is softer or what, but it is very strange... any suggestions??
Emily on the other hand is more of a problem.  For some reason she doesn't
like her litterbox.  When she is in her house she will use it, but as soon
as she is out she goes on the floor.  she'll be playing then all the sudden
she is squatting in the corner.  She knows she's isn't aloud to do it.  She
looks at me, and when I say EMILY!!  if a catch her soon enough she stops,
but I take her and put her in her litterbox she just pretends to go.should
I take her to the vet?
Her stool looks normal, but she goes like 3 times an hour, and her sister
who eats way more than Em does only goes like once an hour if that(and
always in the litter box).  It's not that it's a big problem, it's easy to
clean, but it's wierd.  She acts fine otherwise, plenty of energy, always
playing with her sister, ect.  Should they have seperate litterboxes??  I
clean it out every day so it's not that.  And if I put toys in the corner,
then she just doen't use the corner.  Any help you can offer would be
P.S-About what temperature should water be set at for a ferret bath?
           Mandi, Samantha, and Emily
[Posted in FML issue 2458]