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Wed, 7 Oct 1998 21:21:13 +0000
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Hedi went into surgery yesterday, after nearly three hours, the vet had
removed, two growths and the ovaries (the growths were about the size of
half dollar), a calcified growth, and "something" that was just floating
around in there, not a calcified kit, and a few other nasties.
Her liver, spleen and other organs looked good.  Yesterday he was
optimistic about her survival, today I am guardedly optimistic.  I have her
home and she is pigging out on duck soup.  (Which she was pigging out on
last night at the vets office)
She also had the growth on her upper lip removed.  Between Saturday and
yesterday, it had grown from the size of an eraser on a pencil to the size
of a chick pea.  The entire growth was removed.
All of the little items that were removed from Hedi are being sent to Accu
Path for analysis.  When it comes back I'll post the results.
The fibrous growth removed from Bandit's belly, was similar to the one
removed from Laurie Long's shelter ferret a couple of weeks ago.  Though
not as "organized.  It too is being sent to the lab.
Nearly 4 hours of surgery, anesthesia, meds and such only cost $312.00!!!
Dr. Wayne Turner, 1/440/327-8282.  North Ridgevill, Oh.  Best vet in the
world.  Always has time, answers questions, and puts up with shelter moms
with grace & humor (we are all worry warts).
Hedi is snuggled in my lap, using one hand for a pillow, Bandit is chowing
down, laying in the bowl so no one else can get his food.  For the brief
moment, I am happy.  All is well.  The surgeries were worth the money.
Hugs to all the fur angels.
Ferrets Unlimited
PS We gave Dr. Turber a break and rescheduled the adrenal surgeries for
next Tuesday.  <G>
[Posted in FML issue 2455]