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Mon, 21 Sep 1998 23:15:04 -0400
Melissa Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Hey Cwaysees!!
I's da DODGE'!!!  I'n so happee ta be feelin' better an I finks dat dose
wunnerful hoomans & fuzzies sendin' me lovies & dook-dooks & virtual
raisins (MMM-MMM!  Fanks, Miss Mary!) had more to do wif it dan de
medd'cine!!  Tayse'd lots betters, too!  heehee
Wunnerful Miss Leigh gaveded me a superlific idea!!  Wunce I figgered out
how ta get momma ta read da e-mail (momma's a Forgettin Gurl), she tookted
Miss Leigh's idear n' hookeded a ChewEasel onto a a-lastik string.
Yous wood not beeLEEEV how muches a funs I haded watchin' da Mo-ferret
jumps up ta grab da ChewE', den takes off'n wis it ta go ta hers hidey-hole
an den haffa stop cuz she gotted ta de enda da string!  WOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!
Me was a'dookin' & momma was a'makin' dat "heh heh heh!!" sound dat dose
hoomans makes!
We was doin' wat momma calls "HABBIN GOOD TIMES"!!
An' ya knows what?
Da MoMo STILL ain's figgered out whadda do wif dat singie!!  Ebbery times
she goeses affer it, we commences-a laffin's n' dookin's sum mores!!  Dat
sillee, sillee MoMo... we luvs 'er.
Gottsa says dat me sends 'pecial kissies ta Miss Alia hoo haded such
beeuteefuls sings ta say 'bout me n' my momma in yesserday's FML.... She
gibbed us a case'a da warm fuzzies <dook dook>!!
Well, we don' wan'sa takes up toos mucha da 'pace here on da liss, so we's
gonna go backs'a lurkin' tils'n we's gots sumfin new ta says!
Me still sendin's more & more luvvies & dook-dooks & kissies & good vibeses
out ta my fellow fuzzies & to dose crazee, crazee hoomans!!  Me so happee
ta be heer wifs yous alls ebbery day...
da Dodge-boy    >^v^<-,-----------,'''''''''
[Posted in FML issue 2439]