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Sun, 20 Sep 1998 19:00:04 -0500
petersen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Samantha Rozier posted:
>I need a little advice if possible.  About 3 months ago I received a call
>from a little girl saying she had to go to California for the Summer and
>needed someone to watch her ferret.  One of our shelters took the ferret in
>and she went from being a shy, lonely ferret to a ferret that loves to play
>not only by herself but also with other ferrets.  THe little girl now wants
>her ferret back.  But she now lives in California and I feel uncomfortable
>with what the ferret will be going home to.... But the little girl through
>a temper tantrum when we suggested that we find the ferret a new home.  So,
>the mom said the ferret has to go home to them.  This 1 year old sable
>female named Lucy, is not going to know what hit her.  we have someone
>interested in adopted Lucy and a playmate of hers, but the mother won't
>here of it.  I am concerned for Lucy and wish there was a way to prevent
>her from going home.  Any suggestions?
Samantha, I hope you get lots of different advice from folks, but here's
my 2 cents worth.  Did you have any contact from the little girl who owned
Lucy during the period that you had her?  In other words, was she calling
you every day, every week, not at all?  If she is just now saying that she
wants her ferret back, it sounds more like a possession thing than a love
thing, and I feel that you would be well within your rights to say no to
her.  My other comment is that ferrets are illegal in California.  If you
return this ferret to her original owner, you are knowingly placing the
ferret in a dangerous situation (in the strictly legal sense, of course,
not to mention the home situation).  I feel you would be perfectly
justified to tell the little girl that it would not be fair to the ferret.
Also, did you get paid anything for ferret sitting?  Ferret sitting for
"the summer" seems like a long time. . .
Let us know what happens.
Sara Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot RUnning Round You)
[Posted in FML issue 2438]