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Thu, 3 Sep 1998 15:05:10 -0700
Ariel White <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Okay, I'm about to go radical and develop a new diet for my fuzzies.
Herbs, supplements and, ahem, natural protein.  I've noticed on the FML
that people have bought frozen mice (like for snakes) to feed their
fuzzies.  However, I've done some inquiries in the Vancouver area and I
can't seem to find any frozen mice up here in Canada.  I guess we Canadians
don't go sissy and buy frozen; it seems the only feeder mice that are
available for sale are *live*!  One pet store offered to kill them for me
if I went in.  But...ugh.  My civilized meat-comes-from-the-store mentality
has trouble with that one.
So, if someone could tell me the name of a store in Vancouver, BC where I
can buy my "meat" frozen like civilized people do (even if it still comes
with fur and bones), I would appreciate it.
As well, I would find it handy if someone who does this could explain to
me exactly how their fuzzies *eat* their mice and what to expect.  You
must thaw the mice- how long does it take?  Should I expect ripping and
shredding and blood everywhere (do the mice still bleed, once-frozen?), or
are my ferrets going to eat like dainty gentlemen?  How many per ferret,
and how often?  These are questions inquiring minds want to know.
My apologies to the even more civilized people who are vegetarians and
whose days I have just ruined.
Ariel and her carnivorous duo
[Posted in FML issue 2421]