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Sat, 15 Aug 1998 17:12:34 -0400
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MANY thanks to everyone who wrote and offered help in the way of advice.  I
think even when I wrote the note late last night about Daisy's problems that
I needed to get her to a vet.
She threw up a couple of more times in the night and was more lethargic yet
this morning.  I called our new vet and drove to their office.  After a
series of tests (most of which I expected after all that I've learned from
the FML) he decided she did have something in her stomach and recommended
exploratory surgery.  Poor thing just lay in my lap or on my shoulder
between x-rays, something she never has time for usually.  :o(
He called a short while ago to say that she had come through the surgery and
was just waking up, and although she wasn't out of the woods yet, post-op
wise, that she had done well.  He found a piece of somekind of rubber/foam
that he said wasn't really recognizable.  He is saving it for us to look at
so that maybe we can figure out what she got a hold of.  He will call and
give us an update tomorrow again, but probably she will be able to come home
sometime on Monday.
He also told me that he is taking her home with him in her carrier for the
rest of the weekend so that he can keep a close eye on her!  I think I
finally found the ferret-vet I've been looking for (special THANKS to Erin
Ennis for the recommendation of Dr. Francois Miquel of Essex Junction, VT).
He loved on her while handling her and was so sweet to her that it melted my
heart!  While I wasn't happy with the situation I could leave knowing that
she would be well watched over.
Give your fuzzies an extra nuzzle for me tonight.
[Posted in FML issue 2402]