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Sat, 8 Aug 1998 00:08:58 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
One day sitting at home with my newly wed husband, he comes up with this
crazy idea.  He wants to go back into the military.  I said fine no problem,
i can handle that.  The orders come back, we read.  OH NOOOO!!!!!  Not
Panic starts to set in.  Oh my what am i going to do?  I have 2 fuzzys that
i love dearly, and i don't want to be away from, there my kids.  So i called
my local ferret shelter lady, i knew she could probably help me since i knew
of nothing what i could do.  Boy did she ever, first she told me to get on
the FML and post a letter asking for help.  Wouldn't ya know it, some really
nice people e-mailed me, and gave me alot of information that really helped
out.  I never knew there was so many people that owned ferrets that lived in
CACA land, since most people know they are illegal there.
Ok i think i can handle this now.  I know how to travel by car, with
ferrets.  I know how to deal with the heat, I know how to smuggle them into
motels, and i know how to smuggle them across the boarder.  Thanks to my new
e-mail buddies they told me where to cross the boarder since they have check
points at some locations when you cross the boarder.
Well we made it, were finally here, 1900 miles later.  My 2 fuzzys Nikita,
and Cody only 1 year olds slept almost the whole way here in a cat carrier.
We stopped at rest areas, let them run around in the grass, Let them run
around in the hotel room, kept the air conditioner running most of the way,
when we couldn't a wet towel on top of there cage with the windows down and
plenty of water for them to drink, with ice bottles wrapped in a sock so
they could lay next to in case they got to hot since we had to go into the
dessert, ( boy does it get hot ), and the boarder we had no problems, didn't
come a crossing station.  Yippee i hollered, i was so scared that we were
going to get caught.  But we didn't , HA HA HA 2 more fuzzys living in the
nono state<CACA land>.
So were renting a little place out in the middle of no where, not alot of
space inside, so i keep my fuzzys cage in the living room, its a real big
one, stands about 4 feet tall.  I think im safe for now.  Oh i'm having a
problem with my phone line, i'll just call my phone company, they come out
to fix the problem.  A knock on the door, i say hold on a minute, he
misunderstands me and comes right in.  Panic Alert hits again.  There my
fuzzys sitting there right out there in the open, i quickly throw a sheet
over there cage that i had sitting there incase something like this
happened.  Even though he saw me do it, maybe he didn't see what was in the
cage.  He was on the phone checking it out, only 5 feet from there cage.
when all of the sudden the sheet falls off.  I throw the sheet back over the
cage and when he gets off the phone he asked what's in there?  Oh great he
had to ask.  I quickly blurreded out oh there rats, the Asian ones, there
bigger.  He goes rats!  I said I was baby-sitting them for a couple of days
for a friend while she was on vacation.  He said oh and then he was gone.
Haven't seen him since.  I started laughing out load as soon as he was gone.
So hopefully I'm safe for now.
I wanted to give a big thanks to the people who made this possible for us.
I don't think i could of done this with out ya.  You'll know who you are
when you read this story.
And for the people out there who are giving there love fuzzys up due to job
moves, or because of the heat, or because its california.  Think about it
first.  The shelters are so packed right now.  Look i did it., and I'm only
26, and not only am i dealing with the heat, the military, and that i live
in california.  IT CAN BE DONE!
[Posted in FML issue 2395]