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Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:24:32 -0600
Deba Brezden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
Hiya FML ;o)
First off, Ferris sends ya all coooool luvvvin dooks ta refresh ya! :0)
Yup wow is it hot way up e're in Canukville too eh!  Truth is it's really
baking pretty good all round North America just now.  We had to delurk in
regards some comments made in a recent posting, however, just before we
consider that, we'd first like to take this chance to "highly commend" each
and every poster who has of late commented in any regard to this serious
"heat concern" for the fuzzies during this HOT spell, as far as we here are
concerned, that you CARED enough about your babies to think of their comfort
and needs, is the only issue to be pointed out, and it should indeed be
hearlded!  Bravo to you all!  ;o) We all smile and dook here whenever we
read of fertfolk loving their furry babes!  So now then, ah gee eh, it's
time fer that other thing we have to comment on . . .
>From:    Dani Lucking <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: cool Southern ferrets
>I just find it interesting that so many posts every year on keeping ferrets
>cool in summer.  I am a Southerner and to many people who stereotype, I
>must be a backwards hillbilly with a family tree that doesn't fork, but I
>HAVE AIRCONDITIONING!!!It is hard to imagine that there are so many places
>that consider air conditioning some wierd extra expense.
Excuse me???  Are you talking to me??  Speaking of stereotyping, your post
proved one of the best examples I've seen yet.  As for the fork thing,
well, I'd rather not choose to judge that myself.  I do feel somewhat
compelled however, due the offence I've incurred by your comments, to at
the least answer to hopefully enlighten you in end.
We here for are handicapped and we live, Praise God, on an 'allowance'
from the government.  We get the cost of our rent, plus an allowance of a
meager $300.00 a month (canadian$), that's about $75.00 (USA$) to live for
EVERYTHING else in life!!  We are not "starving", Praise Jesus!, AND more
important we are though poor, very happy and blessed!  But I assure you,
we have no money for any air conditioner, and indeed it certainly would be
a "WEIRD" EXTRA EXPENSE, because it would mean we'd have to be eliminating
some other expense.  I wonder then, which would you suggest, rent, food,
utilities, or perhaps the medications I take for my illness, since that's
the sum of what my allowance will purchase for me, pretty much everything
additionally is considered EXTRA here?  And as for this wierd aspect, I
can think of a great many "things" in life that I'd much rather invest any
extra I am blessed with in than air conditioning, and I'd find it wierd if
I did any differently in my circumstances.
>It doesn't get that cold for too many days down here in the winter,
>but I still have heat in my house. My car also has air conditioning,
>so I don't have to travel with frozen coke bottles, either.
It sure sounds as if God has blessed you with a lovely existence there.
how very fortunate you are. I do not only "have" oil in the furnace in
winter just in case, in this freezing local I "must" in fact go deeply
into debt ($1400.00) a winter, and am "paying" heating bills ALL YEAR
EVERY YEAR. And as for the "car" having air conditioning, well gee, I
DON'T HAVE A CAR! How weird eh!?
>I don't mean to have this sound like too much of a rip on anyone, I just
>find it amusing that the South is civilized enough to know we need air
Well I think a better example of "civilized" behavior is demonstrated,
"wherever" you live in this world, in considering vital needs of others,
as well as our own, and in conducting ourselves as loving individuals
who've respect for life.
>Really, it is meant light hearted, it is just nice to tweak the North
>for being technologically behind.
I'm afraid, personally I found nothing light hearted in your post, humor
at the expense of someone is never light hearted, indeed, it inevitably
causes someone harm or offence.  In this case, my "techie IQ" is surely
irrelevant, though I can assure you I could certainly hold my own in a
wide range of "tech related" fields, as far as my understanding of them,
were it not for this doggone dipilitating disease thing eh, degree of
intelligence simply has nothing to do right now with what I can afford,
period.  For now, I can but continue to pray, that sometime soon I too
shall be as blessed as you obviously are now.
As always, we pray God's Grace for all on the FML.
Ferris  "If we was rich I could have my shelter too eh mom!!!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
[Posted in FML issue 2384]