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Tue, 21 Jul 1998 15:57:51 -0400
Ronnie DiComo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
To Robynn on flying with ferrets...
Unless they've changed their policies, Delta allows ferrets on the flight
with you.  You must make a reservation for the ferret (I forget the
cost--maybe $60?) and they only allow 2 passengers with pets per flight, so
call as soon as you can.  You can have more than one ferret in your carrier,
but it must fit under your seat.  Call up and find out the EXACT size of the
seat for your flight--I was getting different info from different
people--you don't want to find out at the airport that your carrier won't
fit (those airline carriers are SMALL).
The other option is Delta Dash 800-352-2746 but it's a lot more expensive.
It's much easier to take your ferrets on the flight with you.  You also need
a health certificate from your vet which says your pet is up to date on
vaccinations and is healthy.  (Your vet will know what it is, tell them
you're bringing your ferret on a plane).
From Anon (LK) on PetSmart groomer abuse...
>I worked at a particular PetSmart in a fairly large city (pop. around
>300,000) for five months...I worked in Grooming, and I can tell you
>without any doubt whatsoever that the groomers did not care about the
>animals. ... In order to accomplish this, the animals would be traumatized
>in any way necessary in order to go faster.
This is pretty awful--is there anyone you can report this to now?  A city
that big must have some kind of humane society, even contacting one of the
national groups since PetSmart is a large chain...I imagine you could report
it anonymously as long as you gave them enough details for them to
investigate?  It's never too late to help...
from Laurel on the mall pet store:
>What a huge difference from the pet store at the mall, Heartland
>Pets.  It made me sad to see the poor little ferret with no food,
>no litter box and sleeping on wood shavings with no toys or anything.
>Do you think a letter listing some of the mistakes would be any help?
Yes, I think a polite and informative letter (for starters) or a visit, if
you feel comfortable with talking to the manager.  ("You might not know
that ferrets need to have access to food all the time..." etc.) I would
also talk to the ferret shelter in your area.  If you don't get a good
response from the store, I wouldn't hesitate to contact the next level
up--a regional manager, a local humane society--anyone who you think would
pursue it.  There are other people out there who care about conditions in
pet stores--and don't forget about the cat and dog groups.  Lots of good
caring people in those groups too.  Best wishes, please let us know what
Ronnie in Mass.
[Posted in FML issue 2377]