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Thu, 28 May 1998 11:52:27 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I am mostly a quiet reader of the news service.  I love the stories and have
as a new ferret owner learned incredible amount of info through the service
and the web sites.  However, I need some help.  One of our adorable ferrets
"Xena" the vet has stated that he is pretty positive that she has leukemia.
We have done two blood panels, each one worse than the other (each a week
apart).  Her lymph glands are not swollen yet, nor is her spleen enlarged
(just had an X-Ray).  Our next step according to him is to actually do a
blood marrow biopsy, and then aggressive chemo (about six weeks) or of
course nothing at all.  Xena is only 8 months old.  She is perky and still
seems OK, but we took her in because she has thrown up off an on since we
got her, always seemed like she just got excited and that would happen.  She
could go for days and not throw up, but eventually she would go back to the
pattern, but sometimes only once a day, sometimes more, but it always just
seemed to be food.  But she threw up some blood when we were out one
evening, so we did the complete panel and X-Rays.  The first panel showed
insulnomia, which was not a fasting blood test, second panel showed normal
on the blood sugar.  In the meantime we did a round of antibiotics which
seems to have cured the throwing up, at least for now.
I am looking for any hope in this bleak picture, (we had a cat many years
ago who died with feline leukemia, before vaccines), we are not excited
about this propsect of suffering for Xena.  Since Xena is not exhibiting
major symptoms yet, we have a little time to get more info.  Wholistic
treatment suggestions would be appreciated.  Pointers to more information
would be helpful.  We do have a well known vet who has an extensive ferret
practice and even has a web site.  But I feel I need to be better informed
before I can make such big decisions for poor Xena who is only two pounds
and the cutest, smartest little girl you ever wanted for a pet.
Thanks so much for any assistance you can give our family, we are so
[Posted in FML issue 2323]