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Larry McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:02:54 -0500
text/plain (56 lines)
dooks to everyone!
First: Meghan, when you finally have kids, you'll be ready for them.  Just
think of Dervish at anytime the children do something and remember the
"plumber incident".  Great way to go, Dervish!
Kaycie: You go girl---go fast and far away from that piece of slime.  If he
thinks this way about Smokie, what would he think about anyone or anything
else?  You definitely did the right thing.  Obviously your ex-boyfriend
helps confirm my theory that not all Neanderthals died out during the ice
Ok, our big news: Ferret math has struck again.  I should like to introduce
you folks to our newest: Scully, dark sable/reddish brown coat, great white
"bib" on chest, great mask.  Genie, (help me out on the color here, please)
light cinnamon(?), silvery color where white normally is, dark gray blaze
(I think-she hasn't held still long enough).  Both females, both around 4
months old.
Poor Socks is just beside himself!  And Kit!  She's in seventh heaven.
This all started this past weekend.  Took care of our niece's kitten.  The
cats would have nothing to do with him, and he was totally fascinated by
Socks and Kit.  By Saturday he and Kit were wrestling everywhere!  They
wore each other out.  I mentioned to Larry we ought to get another ferret,
and found he'd been thinking the same thing.
I had him stop by the feed store where we got Kit, and he told me about
these two.  So, after work today, we stopped by.  There they were, same
"fish tank" Kit had been in.  I asked if we could hold them.  Sara was
holding the cinnamon (Genie), and Larry and I took turns with Scully.  Then
both the babies reversed humans.  I don't think their toenails had ever
been cut.  I asked Larry which he thought, and he said it would be a shame
to break them up.  So, they both came home with us.  Sara is over the moon!
We were trimming toenails, and somehow Scully just popped out while we were
doing her nails.  Genie, on the other hand, was a little harder to name.  I
have never seen anything bounce like this!  She started bouncing the minute
she hit the floor!.  Bounced off me, Sara, the cats, the walls........ If
she'd been a male her name definitely would have been Tigger!  Sara came up
with her name because she appears and disappears faster than a "Genie".
Kit is having a blast with them, but poor Socks.  When we put them all up
for the night he crawled into his hammock bag and just shut his eyes.  The
other three were all over him, but have finally settled down.  The cats, of
course, are in shock.  They are now outflanked, outranked, and
Rebecca, Larry & Sara
Socks (Oh, Lord, why me?  MOMMY, HOLD ME!)
Kit (COOL!  Just my size, but you humans better give me a lot of attention!)
Scully(I won't be afraid of all this space, I won't be afraid of
Genie (Ok, speed of light, knock things out of the way, and BOUNCE OFF THAT
Chewie, Dribble & Sarabi (Just what is going on here?  They're multiplying!)
[Posted in FML issue 2475]