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Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:01:26 -0700
Minta Ruark <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
I noticed a post that commented about declawing their ferret...I know this
has all been said before, and somewhat passionately as well, but...when you
declaw a cat you are basically removing the tip of your own finger.  When
you declaw a ferret/dog (same kind of claws) you are removing the tip of
your finger and the next knucle down, roughly.
Please don't do this if you can avoid it.  Please don't try and physically
adjust the ferret to your tolerance levels/activity times.  If you're
having trouble w/the ferret scratching carpet try carpet protecter.  Try
supervising your ferret, maybe you can't let your ferret freeroam.  I would
rather see a supervised playing ferret than a freeroaming declawed one.
Sybil my ferret scratched up the corner of the carpet and wouldn't stop so
I put a brick down and she couldn't move it.  End of story, Sybil's feet
are still intact.  Just please try every possible solution before you
resort to declawing, that's all I'm saying.
Thank you,
Sybil, Linus, Zooey & Martin
[Posted in FML issue 2460]