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Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:02:51 -0400
"J. Matthew Saunders" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Jena writes:
>Thrid -- I hate to say it so please dont flame me but it's in my best
>interest that Angel will be getting Declawed very very soon unless i can
>find a way to stop the clawing on the cage and the rug as well!  I declawed
>my Vinyl cause I could not stop him and it solved my problem!  So this
>might be the only way!
This isn't meant as a flame, but ferrets are diggers.  It is encoded in
their genes as deeply as the instinct to eat or drink.  Perhaps if you
can't stand the clawing at the cage or carpet you should consider another
kind of pet.  Declawing Vinyl might have solved *your* problem, but it
certainly didn't solve *his*.  Declawing a ferret is not like declawing a
cat (which I deplore as well).  When a ferret loses his/her claws, the full
first phlange of the digit is removed.  This is akin to having a doctor
removing the tips of each of your hands from the first joint up.  Ferrets
use paws like we use hands.  Mine will grip toys with both paws and "carry"
the item around.  Ferrets who are declawed can have many problems with
posture, which can lead to bones weakening.  I believe Bob C.  posted on
this very point some months ago.  PLEASE don't declaw ferrets.  It is just
plain cruel.
Some potential solutions to your carpet problem:
1)  Tack down carpet remenants at the doors that the ferrets scratch.
2)  Plastic runners can protect carpet.
3)  Plexiglass is very easy to custom cut to the size of a doorway and in
    near immovable by a ferret.
4)  Put bitter apple down where the ferrets claws.
As for scratching in the cage...I don't think there is much you can do
about that.  However, I never let one of my critters out when they are
scratching for fear it will encourage the behavior.
Other ways to curb annoying scratching.
1) Purchase a large chest sized rubbermaid type container.  Fill it halfway
with playground sand.  Cut a hole in the lid large enough for ferrets to
get in or out.  I got the container on sale at K-Mart for about $3 and the
sand cost me $1.50 at a hardware store.  One of my fuzzies will spend 20
minutes at a time digging and snorkling.
2) Don't throw away those worn out jeans.  Cut the legs off and let the
fellas play in them.  I've found that my kids will scratch inside the pant
leg allowing them to blow off that "scratching steam".
3)  Teach the kids to come when you call by giving them a treat (like a
drop of ferretone, half a raisin, a little petromalt, etc.)  When you hear
them start to scratch, call them.  It takes time to train them, and it is
best to train them to a sound like a squeek toy but it works.
I've found fuzzies can only really concentrate on one thing at a time.
Diversion works.  If they are thinking about scratching, encourage them to
think about something else that is equally fun.
Again, I implore you--don't get your ferret declawed, it is a terribly
cruel thing to do that could have far reaching implications on your
critter's health and happiness.
[Posted in FML issue 2460]