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Sat, 26 Sep 1998 19:42:11 +0100
Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
This evening when I went to put 'the boys' back into their cage after their
playtime when I noticed that Jasper, my 5 y.o.  dark-eyed white was dragged
his right hind leg behind him and he was having difficulty standing.
I put the other 7 ferrets back in the cage and then proceeded to check
Jasper over.  I couldn't feel any broken bones and he didn't appear to be
in any pain.  I phoned the emergency vet, the young lady vet was a bit out
of her depth when I mentioned the word ferret.  However, she got me to do a
few checks on Jasper like gently pulling his leg straight back, if his leg
had been dislocated he should have let me know in no uncertain terms.  His
back didn't appear to be sore which left the possibility that Jasper has
had a stroke.  When I put Jasper back on the floor he was doing his best to
run around and climb (he didn't manage the climbing bit), anyway I have to
take Jasper into the surgery tomorrow afternoon.
He's not in pain and if it is a stroke only time will see if he regains
movement in his leg - if he'd been in pain I would have taken him to see
the vet this evening but as she said most of the animals in her care
tonight will just be kept sedated or given pain killers until tomorrow and
Jasper will be better off at home.
I put him back in with his friends and he promptly made for the food bowl
and tucked into his evening meal!  He's now curled up with the others and
is fast asleep - I just hope that he's a bit better tomorrow.
Bolton Ferret Welfare & National Ferret Welfare Society Newsletter Editor
http://www.btinternet.com/~sheila/ferrets.htm (Last Update 13 Sept, 1998)
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge: Jill, Deanna Troi, Cameron, Carnath & Button
[Posted in FML issue 2444]