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Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:46:34 -0400
DJTuvell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Merlin, my albino, is "turning into" a blaze; he's got a boo-tiful red
stripe down the middle of his head to match his pretty eyes!  When I was
giving him a syringe full of red cough medicine, he sneezed, flinging red
stuff everywhere.  Some landed on top of his head and I tried to wipe it
off but it smeared!  It's kinda cute!  He needs a bath anyway, though... I
finally bought one of those plastic carpet protectors for the door, and
they've taken to using it for a potty.  Well, (this is gross...) Merlin had
just gone potty on it, and McKyle came over and pounced him, and Merlin
landed right in the pee!  Yuk!  So both ferrets are getting a bath today!
Both guys have been feeling kind of under-the-weather lately.  Merlin has a
cough & blackheads on his tail, and McKyle has a cough and that funny bald
spot that we don't really know the cause of yet.  But we will be visiting
the vet again next week.
I have a metal wind-up alarm clock that ticks loudly and makes lots of
noise when you wind it, too.  McKyle has been fascinated with it lately;
every night when I wind it up and set the alarm, he runs over and sniffs
the clock, paws it, and sometimes chews it.  It's so funny!
Happy Ferreting All!
-McKyle "Where's my tick-tock?"
-Merlin "Check out my stylin' stripe!"
[Posted in FML issue 2428]