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Fri, 17 Jul 1998 01:53:10 EDT
"Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
O.K., I couldn't resist - Regina writes:
>From:    Z zzzzzzz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: foot injuries
>Right after I brought home Cully, he bit Amelia very hard on the foot.  My
>vet's recommendation was to put her on antibiotics while it was healing to
>help fight off any infections, since foot injuries are exposed to the
>litterbox on a (presumably :) regular basis.<
I am not clear here......Is Amelia a family member or another ferret?  If
she is a family member of the human kind, she really should be told not to
stick her feet in litter boxes.  Whether she has a foot bite or not.  :)
As to bleeding injuries of any kind on a ferret (except for the ears)
hydrogen pyroxide is excellent for cleaning the wound and preventing
infection.  Also best for people too with those endless scratches we seem
to acrue and nips too.
I buy hydrogen pyroxided by the quart - it is cheap.  Pour some over the
wounded area or soak wound.  Good way to clean broken skin on back of
ferret's necks is to place opening of bottle directly on the area and up-end
the ferret, allowing the peroxide to soak the skin.  Also go through tons
of neosporin, but use that for number of other things.
When you have broken skin that bleeds - let it free bleed for a bit
(bleeding helps germs leave the wound) and then use the peroxide.  This is
first choice for cleaning human wounds and animals too.  Neosporin or other
antibiotic ointment can be used later during healing.
Cheers, Meg
-------Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines-------
[Posted in FML issue 2372]