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Wed, 21 Oct 1998 22:26:20 -0700
text/plain (22 lines)
Hi fellow FML-ers,
I just have a question about my Martin, to make sure he is okay.  Tonight
I was cleaning his cage and things and was afraid he'd get out of my room
if I let him run around, because I was going in and out.  And I put him in
his carrier.  Well, then I had to do some things, so I took him out of
the carrier and put him into his newly cleaned cage, and his bedding was
missing because they were in the washer.  Well, I had a new hammock in
there instead of his usual one.  It had been in the carrier but I wanted
him to have a hammock to sleep on.  And I don't know if he was just upset
or stressed or if he is sick or what, but he threw up.  It wasn't much at
all, but it had/has me worried.  And I took him out to see if he was okay
and set him down and he went about playing like his usual self.  So, what
should I be thinking about this?  Is he okay?  What signs should I look for
in case he is getting sick or something?
Thanks a lot in advance!
and Martin the maybe-sick Martian
[Posted in FML issue 2470]