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Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:39:46 -0700
text/plain (29 lines)
Good news!!  I posted a question about coughing a little while ago and just
wanted to keep those of you who wrote to me with suggestions up to date on
how little C.G. is doing.  She has stopped coughing!!  yippee!!  So, I
thought it was something kinda serious but then I realized something...
being the ding-a-ling human that I am sometimes....I was giving them treats
on the carpet.  I know this doesn't sound like a big deal but poor little
C.G. was getting fuzz and icky stuff in her mouth.  I felt so ashamed!!  I
am careful of now letting her either eat out of my hand or taking her into
the bathroom where there is tile.  Anyway, she is fine and has not coughed
in about a week and a half now.
Skye, my beautiful baby boy is getting big.  He is definetly going to be a
three pounder!!  He is getting more gentle as he grows though.  There is
still an occasional nip but he is learning very quickly.  I am hoping to
bring him to see my nieces next week.  I know they all will enjoy that.
I do have a question though....
I am looking for one more little fella to add to my happy little family.
If anyone in the Reno area knows of good pet stores/breeders/shelters that
have them could you let me know?  My email is [log in to unmask]
I will need the phone number and where they are in Reno.
Thanks everyone!!
Little kisses to all the furry friends.
Skye (Momma, MOMMA!! Lean down!! I wanna give you kisses!)
C.G. (Momma, why is Skye so lovey??? Why can't he just play with me????  )
[Posted in FML issue 2460]