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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9810 28035 48 17_aggressive ferret6_Carrie19_mrs;g>)

It was great to meet so many people from the FML - whoever made those FML
name tags - good idea! I usually don't get out that far (being in central
PA), but we all had a wonderful time. [...]41_9Sep199815:32:[log in to unmask] 9809 10399 30 24_Midwest Cage, Cincy Show9_Anne [log in to unmask], 9 Sep 1998 10:16:13 EDT550_- I use two Midwest Cages in the shelter. One I have taken all the ramps and
shelves out of, and the other has the bottom ramp and shelf only. In both
we have four hammocks (including several very large ones, and some double
deckers) strung up which go back and forth in an alternating pattern so that
even if a ferret was to fall from one, they would softly land in another
less than a foot below. We don't hang any hammocks higher than about
halfway up the cage. In the cage with the younger ferrets, they climb the
walls [...]35_9Sep199810:16:[log in to unmask] 9809 10430 23 29_CA Ferret Bill=I'm outta here15_Jazmyn [log in to unmask], 9 Sep 1998 01:06:23 -0700360_- I am working on plans to move out of CA. I refuse to remain in this state
while some of my small and harmless pets are concidered baby-mauling,
psycho, wild animals while the neighbor's pit bull is 'mans best
friend'..Texas is looking better and better...Maybe Houston area?

CA DFG musta thought 'Fierce Creatures' was a documentary..:P [...]42_9Sep199801:06:[log in to unmask] 9809 10454 18 24_Good News for Hackensack14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 9 Sep 1998 12:11:12 -0400594_- We got some good news today since the final desicions have now been made.
Tim McNally and Hackensack just have to sign some final papers but then
Hackensack will modify the city rules and officially allow residents to
have pet ferrets; that will happen later this month. Here's some more good
news: the lawyer and law clerk involved (who are keeping the documentation
handy in case any other cases like this come up in N.J. DONATED THEIR
WORK. Tim will personally absorb the cost for what he did, and those of us
who provided documents are doing the same. Something [...]44_9Sep199812:11:[log in to unmask] 9809 10473 37 11_Club advice14_Leigh [log in to unmask], 9 Sep 1998 21:16:35 EDT443_- I have recently posted fliers around in my town of Knoxville, TN about
trying to get a ferret club started. I have only gotten a few responses so
far (actually 6 or 7) but they have all been enthusiastic. So the first
part of this post is to let others who might be in this area know that my
husband and I are trying to get a local ferret organization started.
Please email me if you are interested at [log in to unmask] [...]37_9Sep199821:16:[log in to unmask] 9809 10511 54 38_Shelter operators - I need some advise19_Guy & Debbie [log in to unmask], 9 Sep 1998 19:33:00 -0500556_- I am presently running a shelter from my home. I have converted my son's
bedroom in our finished basement into a shelter. The carpet has been
replaced with tile. I have two tiers of cages - basic critter cage size
suitable for one or two ferrets; plus a large double door critter cage
for a multiple turn in where the furries should not be separated causing
additional stress. I have plenty of food, water bottles and blankets
thanks to the support of members of our club and supporting pet stores.
So what could be my problem? [...]44_9Sep199819:33:00-0500gkelley@
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:39:30 +0000
text/plain (62 lines)
Hey FMLer's
"Ferret Extravaganza '98" in Cincinnati, Oh.
What a show!  I just want to take a minute to compliment Lori Sies , Rachel
Gay and TriState Ferret Connection for organizing such a great event.
Despite our discuss with the Ramada Inn's, cleanliness, personnel and air
conditioning (Which was not controlled by the show organizers and has
declined since last years show.) I would have to say it was the best show
we have been to yet!
Friday night after checking in, we were going down the hall towards our
room.  When an unsuspecting hotel guest (non-ferret owner) opened her door,
only to be confronted with a stack of cages filled with anxious and curious
ferrets, belonging to a another exhibitor in the room on the opposite side
of the hall.  The poor woman screamed and nearly jumped out of her skin.
It was all I could do to keep my composer and not fall to the ground
laughing.  It probably wouldn't have been nearly that funny if she would've
had a heart attack and I'm sure she wouldn't have been amused.  I can only
imagine what story she would be telling her friends in the near future,
especially when I explained we were really there for a ferret show.  I
think her exact words were "You've got to be kidding".  I did encourage
her to come down to the show and see for her self.
The show consisted of three separate rooms.  The first and largest room was
the display area for vendors, clubs and organizations.  The second was for
exhibitors and their ferrets.  The third was for judging (This room could
have been a little larger and cooler).  All the rooms were connected via a
speaker system which allowed the M.C (who was excellent) to keep everyone
aware of activities, vendors and judging status.  Even despite a slight
delay, all judging was completed by 7:30.  We met several people who were
showing ferrets for the first time and none of them had any trouble
understanding where to go or what to do next.  A true testament to just how
organized this show was.
This was the first show that we (my wife and I) actually got to be ring
stewards.  If you ever get the opportunity do this "Jump on it".  The
education you get is well worth it!  I have a whole new appreciation for
the judges.  Diane Bodofsky was the judge I was assigned too.  She did an
excellent job in explaining the details of judging and showed an incredible
amount of patience in answering all the questions I threw at her.  If you
think judging is easy, try picking up and rotating a variety of squirming
ferrets weighing from one to five pounds, holding a different one every
three to five minutes and calling out numbers for about ten hours with a
couple of small breaks and a hour for lunch.  So, what do they get for all
this hard work?  NOTHING!
As usual we met and made several new friends as well as seeing many old
ones.  Even though none of our three ferrets placed, we had a great time
just hanging out and socializing.  We even got to hang out with one of the
legends and voices of reason from the FML, Linda Iroff.
I'm always amazed at all the ferret related items available at these shows.
Nita (the wife) was able to add many new items to her collection including
two jewelry pieces, which are her favorites.
We look forward to seeing everyone in Chicago and Lancing.
Jerry, Nita and eigth should have been enough, plus one
[Posted in FML issue 2427]