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zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Aug 1998 16:49:43 -0700
text/plain (62 lines)
>From:    RonnieD <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: microchipping & stereotyping
BIG has said that he think Peta debates are off topic.  But with his
allowing a couple posts in about Peta he's already opened it up.  We are
keeping it about ferrets and not about dogs, cats and horses.
>Also, it really bothers me to see a whole group of people lumped together
>as if everyone thought identically on every issue.  I know LOTS of PETA
>members who are very caring, sincere, dedicated people, who truly love
>animals and work very hard to help them.
No one claimed that all folks associated with Peta were idiots.  Just that
those Bob knew personally would not survive any better if "released in the
wild" any better than ferrets.  That is not the same as calling them idiots.
Bill has quite a bit of training for living off the land but Diane doesn't.
Maybe we'd survive.  Probably not.  What Bob actually said
        I doubt if many PETA people I've met could survive as
        low-technology hunter-gatherers
He also didn't say that if you work for Peta that you personally want to
eliminate all domesticated species.  But the organization as a whole does.
If you support Peta whether you intend to or not you are actually working
toward the extinction of ferrets along with all other pets and livestock.
You are also working to eliminate zoos and captive breeding programs so you
are working to eliminate the programs trying to bring back the black footed
     In a perfect world, animals would be free to live their lives to the
     fullest: raising their young, enjoying their native environments,
     and following their natural instincts.  [...] But it is also
     important to stop manufacturing "pets," thereby perpetuating a class
     of animals forced to rely on humans to survive.
Peta in a position paper states very clearly that they want no more pets.
That isn't aimed at just ranches/mills.  That is aimed at all breeding of
pets.  Peta declares ALL ferret breeders irresponsible.
     no breeding can be considered "responsible."
If you do not support the complete elimination of ferrets after the current
generation you should support groups like the ASPCA and AHA rather than
PETA.  You should choose to support the group that actually thinks more
like you over the group with the biggest advertising budget.  If you aren't
aware of that aspect of Peta its intentional on their part.  They wouldn't
get donations from ferret lovers if they openly claimed they wanted to
eliminate all ferrets with in one lifespan.  But they do.
>where the sprites are smart, the gibs are strong, and the kits are all
Ah Lake Woebegone ferrets...
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2391]