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Dani Lucking <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 10:11:20 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
I have had ferrets for 6 years and have almost exclusively used the
clumping, less tracking, low dust clay litter.  I found through the fml that
this wasn't optimal, and tried several other litters.  Unfortunately, the
little buggers will not use anything except the clay.  They don't snorkel in
it anymore, I broke them of that right away.  However, if I put Yesterday's
News or anything other than what they recognize as litter, they do snorkel
in it and refuse to use the litter box.  So, I always go back to clay.  I
guess I intend to keep using clay (no flames, please, I tried to do the
right thing, they just refuse).  So my question is, if they don't snorkle in
it, is it still bad for them?  They only crawl in and poop.  I should also
mention that my 3 are free range ferrets.  They don't have a cage (at least
not for daily use, just a carrier with a hammock and 2 large bedrooms and a
large bath to run around in.  I'm hoping that since they aren't locked up
with it, and they don't stuff it up their cute little noses, that it is
basically not going to hurt them.  I notice no dust when I have to pour more
in, and usually do it when they are asleep and not nearby.  Anyway, I am not
really asking opinions on my litter choice, I just want to know how bad it
really is.
Bailey-chief snuggler
Eddie-chief speedbump
Little Bit-Chief Troublemaker
carrier with a
[Posted in FML issue 2379]