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Sat, 23 Jan 1999 00:02:33 EST
Liane Novick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Thanks to all who read this and reply:
I just lost one of my beloved fuzzies - Ringo.  I took him to a vet nearby
and I hope I got the straight answer!  Ringo's age is unknown (was a
rescue), had cataracts in both eyes, but was very active and alert!  Ringo
was dookin' around like normal on Monday, January 18 when I heard him
scream.  Racing to see what was wrong I found him on my makeup table - but
I could not find the source of the problem.  Whatever it was, it upset him
enough to cause him to lose control of his bladder!  Tuesday came and went
without incident.  He shares his home with brothers and sisters, so bowel
movements or lack of are hard to notice.  Wednesday as I was leaving for
work I noticed him by his litter pan with what seemed to be the dry heaves.
I picked him up - had him drink some water for me - and he went back to
his hammock without much ado.  I work 12hr shifts, so I didn't recheck him
until Thursday night.  I noticed he was not well - he layed in his hammock
and didn't respond with his usual "can't get out of the cage fast enough"
routine.  I picked him up and started trying to feed him - nothing worked -
ferretone, duck soup, water.... by now it was after midnight!  I held him
all night crying - This morning he went to the vet.  I was told he was
severally dehydrated and hypothermic!  The vet felt he had a 50/50 chance.
IV's and medications did not work and at 1:30PM he crossed the rainbow
bridge.....I have been crying on and off since.  As I went to be with his
brothers and sisters I noticed one of my small females - Honey - is getting
a hairless tail!  What is wrong!  Did I go to the right vet?  Should I have
done something else?
Please tell me what I can or should have done!  My fuzzies have traveled
with me all over, been there when no one else was, and are my "babies."
Thanks for any help/advice/listening.
email@[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2564]