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Fri, 25 Dec 1998 10:54:43 PST
Josephine Hansen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi Everyone!
i remember a while back some people were asking about the diahrrea with
what looks like seeds in it, but i never found any replies or answers to
that, Liza had that type of diahrea followed by some weight loss, and now
Truls is having it too, he has already lost some weight, and even though
the Vet didn't think he was too thin (before he started having diahrea)
he is only half of the ferret he used to be, he used to be really healthy
looking and chubby, and then he had surgery for intestinal blockage, he
recovered well, but didn't put on all the weight he had lost, then 2 monts
later he fell on a sharp edge and tore the skin on his belly, we rushed him
to the vet, and he stitched him up, again he lost some weight, which he
hasn't put back on, and now this diahrrea... What is it?  how can i treat
it?  I have been giving them extra Ferret-Vite, goat milk, whip cream, to
fatten them up a little, but it doesn't seem to help, they put on some
weight, but if i stop they loose it again, I went to a ferret club meeting
2 weeks ago, and saw some of the fattest shiniest and most beautiful
ferrets, who all of them eat Iams Kitten, and nothing else, no treats but
an occasional raisin, Truls eats Kaytee-Forty Diet, Liza eats Iams Kitten,
and Totally Ferret and a little of Sheppard and Greene, and Lucky only
Sheppard and Greene, they all refuse anything any other food, Liza and
Truls don't have winter coat, in fact they never had last winter either
(they are 1 year and a half) and they have oily coats, even a few days
after a bath, Lucky is my only really longhaired ferret and her fur is much
dryer, Am i doing something wrong here?  Am i overdoing it?  Any
suggestions as of how to fatten upp, and treat this diahrrea?  Please reply
to me directly.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas
[Posted in FML issue 2536]