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Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:28:30 -0600
Millie Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Well, it is cold and freezing here in Texas, can't believe this.  The
birdbath with the pump is out there with ice draped down from the top,
and when I went to the barn to feed the horses, I walked on little spikes
of frozen grass.  Texas ?
Does this put us in the season or what !!!
Now it is time to stop and think and really take time to say this is a
beautiful world even with all the things that go wrong, with all the
complications, with all the struggles.  And the FML has been a wonder in
it all, the companionship the wonderful people the old grouches and the
strength of a family.
We had to say goodby to some friends this year, a lot of them, Mr. Chain
Lugnut, Valentine, Hope, Tickles, a couple of Bandits, Timmie, oh yes,
Timmie who taught us to take time out and call it Timmie Time, and oh so
many more we had to cry over.  And we got to laugh and share in the happy
endings of Dookmothers contribution to our world, the funny funny stores of
this Dervish and Meghan, and the rescue of Bailey and Elle from being caged
out in the rain, and Goliath who was mauled by a dog, given to a shelter
where they saw to it he had his tail amputated so he could lay without pain
and found him a home perfect for his disabilities both right before
And then there was all the information shared from those who had to pay for
their own college education and then educated us FMLer's for free about the
history of ferrets, the body structures, the nature, the studies, the
eating habits and treatments of those horrible diseases effecting their
To sum it up:  W O W     what a year      what a life   what a family
Thank you all for letting me and my little group join you and yours.  I
think I have made some friends I will have the rest of my life.
Now kids, do you have anything to say?
Easy Off:  Thank you Mr BIG for being the avenue to the love of my life
Ammonia:  Yah, and thanks to you all out there for all those niffy
suggestions on how to pass the time when I spent time in the cage for
time out:   why are you put IN a cage for a time OUT??????
Cascade:  And thanks to you all out there working those shelters and
doing those good things like finding homes for those like me who get
tossed aside.  And thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Disraeli for
producing such a nice son like Dizzy.
Ajax:  Aw Heck with the sentimental stuff, lets party, lets shake a leg,
lets get with it, its SHOW TIME
Dizzy:  Yes, I have a thank you or two to make here, first of all I want
to thank the crew of the ship that brought my father to American andddd
(Moderator:  we are going to cut this one short)
Joy: Okay, Okay, I'm grateful, too,    okay? I did it.  Was that okay.
[Posted in FML issue 2534]