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Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:20:16 PST
Josephine Hansen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Hi !
I received an e-mail, that made me aware, that my name had been mencioned
on the FML stating me as being "part of the problem" in this debate about
shelters, I've had problems with my computer, and i obviously have missed
that particular post made by Bill Killian?  Aparently i am being portrated
as someone who hates people, and don't have a life?  In the event that it
HAS been said about me i would like to deny those accusations, nothing
could be further away from the truth!  I Love people!  I Love the different
aspects of human nature!  I Love the wonderful differences in personality
and human experiences, and I love to interact with people and learn of
peoples different opinions, and cultures, and i have the greatest respect
for people!  I've been traveling and living all over Europe and USA for
most of my life, i considder myself to have been very priviledged in that
sense,and i have a very fullfilling and exciting life Thank You very much!
I've always loved animals, and i feel a very strong connection to them,
that may be obvious in my posts to the FML, but it certainly doesn't
conclude who i am .
I also got the impression, that i supposedly am in dissagreement with Bob C
in his comments about shelters, that is also untrue, I realize that as in
any field of life or careers, there are problems that need to be addressed,
and i think he opened up a very healthy discussion as of what needs to be
changed, I believe he was very diplomatic, and didn't point fingers at
anyone in particular, and allows everyone to take a look at themselves and
make a fair judgement on their weaknesses and strenghts, right or wrong,
good or evil is really in the eyes of the beholder.
I just wanted to write this post to clarify what might be a
missunderstanding, as i haven't seen the original post i don't want to
make any assumptions, but i wanted to clarify my point of view in the
event that someone is missinformed about my person.
[Moderator's note: I don't remember any such post.  If you'd like to
forward the email to me, removing the sender if you wish, it might help
me to figure out where this rumor got started.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2526]