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Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:32:54 -0000
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It is with great regret and sadness that I to report the death yesterday,
the 13th, of the much loved President of the National Ferret Welfare
Dick Nutt was a marvellous man who put the welfare of ferrets very high
on his list of priorities and this is in effect was the cause of his death.
I'm sorry if things don't make too much sense but the death of Dick has
affected me as much as the death of my father - I'm absolutely gutted.
Dick suffered what we believe to be a massive coronary whilst delivering
his speech at the AGM of the NFWS at the Christmas Show, Dick had had a
very traumatic week trying to sort out strife between two different
factions of ferret owners here in the NW of England.  Poor Dick had got so
stressed with the whole affair - all the trouble was caused by one evil man
who has only been 'in' ferrets for a few months and who thought he knew it
all.  This character wanted to have a pair of ferrets of every colour, show
them, win prizes, breed them and sell them for a profit.  This man also
wanted access to the judges marking sheets at one show he attended.  He
denied that he is a pot hunter.  Most of the NFWS members regard showing
ferrets as a meeting of ferret keepers where they can enjoy the 'crack',
and have fun, if their ferrets win a prize it's great but not the be all
and end all.
Dick had nearly finished his speech when he collapsed, he'd said all he
wanted to about pot hunters and breeding to show standards and the fact
that the people who wanted to carry out the breeding programmes didn't
give a toss for ferret welfare.
I had a bad feeling about the show - I didn't want to go I knew something
awful would happen but it never crossed my mind that such a wonder man
would die because of such scum..................... I hope to heaven I
never see that man again..................
I will never forget seeing three people performing CPR on Dick, and
pleading with him to breath.  The ambulance seemed to take forever but I'm
told it took just over 7 minutes - the effect on people was so profound,
the British are thought to have stiff upper lips, but folk were hugging
one another crying, praying.............
Oh God Dick why did it have to be you...........
The ferrets have lost a great champion for their cause................
My heart goes out to Dick's family - they have lost a wonderful father
and grandfather.
Dick was a man we could call upon if we had any problems, if we were angry
about something he would give advice on how to go about redressing the
problem, he would calm us down offer good sound advice.
Bolton Ferret Welfare & Editor of The National Ferret Welfare Society.
Web Site: www.btinternet.com/~sheila/ferrets.htm  last update 7 December1998
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge: Jill, Deanna Troy, Cameron, Carnath, Button, Bill
& Bobby.
[Posted in FML issue 2525]