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Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:02:35 -0700
Celeste Jacob <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Just wanted to post my letter to FOX, in case anyone is interested, about
the mis-portrayal of the ferret in last Wednesday's episode.  I sure hope
they do something about this!!!!!!!
Dear Producers and Writers of PO5,
I'm sure you've already gotten many other letters like the one I'm about
to write concerning the ferret in your 12/9 episode of PO5, but I feel I
must put in my vote anyway.
I love the show and am an avid fan; I never miss an episode.  But I was
really disturbed about the misinformation that you just spread to hundreds
of thousands of viewers.  As I'm sure you are now aware, the ferret is a
domesticated animal that CANNOT survive in the wild, anymore than a poodle.
For some reason, many people think they can.
Quite unfortunately, your portrayal of releasing the so-called predatory
ferret into the wild where he "is better off" will MOST CERTAINLY now cause
harm to some of these poor creatures.  What you must understand is that a
mistake like this will cost many ferrets their lives!  It reinforces this
already wide-spread misconception, and irresponsible owners will attempt to
release them to the wild, should they be no longer wanted in the home!
As a long time, FULL-BLOWN ferret lover and afficionado, I implore you
to take responsibility for your mistake and do something to reverse this
damage!  Perhaps you could write another episode where the ferret
(amazingly) finds his way back to Claudia's dorm.  Cold, starving, and in
need of love and care, she takes him in as her wonderful new pet, realizing
that he would not otherwise survive outside.  ( Just an idea.  I'm no
Hollywood screenwriter, but I know you guys can work your magic somehow!
However, as someone who knows a thing or two about ferrets, I would be
MORE than happy to come down and help out as a behind-the-scenes ferret
consultant.  Ya know, just to be sure that when you do feature the little
guy in an episode, you have plenty of good and accurate material!) ;) Think
about it and let me know.
Anyway, do you not agree that you should excercise the tremendous influence
you have on the public and correct your mistake to DO THE RIGHT THING here?
I hope you do agree becuase you have the power to save at least a few of
the innocent lives you most surely will be taking if you don't!
Thank you for your consideration!
Celeste Jacob
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[Posted in FML issue 2523]