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Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:36:42 -0800
"Amy C. Dempsey" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
It is with a heavy heart I write this message.  My little Milo slipped over
the Rainbow Bridge last night.  Milo turned 8 years old in August and was
doing fanastically until about 2 months ago.  She began to show signs of
congestive heart failure, and with Dr. Karens help we were able to get her
on Lasix and keep her balanced for a while.  Milo continued to be fairly
active until two days ago when she start building up fluids drastically
again.  And began to have a difficult time breathing.  Yesterday morning
our local vet (a new one who has actually owned a ferret!) removed some
fluids from her abdominal cavitity, in hopes of giving her some relief.
Her breathing never got better.  She spent the day at the office with me
alternating between sitting in my lap and laying at my feet.  Late
yesterday afternoon she lay down and when into a daze.  She slowly faded
away over the next several hours.
This morning I placed her beside her brothers and sisters who have gone
before her.  Milo was 1 of the 2 reasons I fell in love with ferrets.  She
was my candy bar thief and my best beggar.  She and Odie (who is doing
wonderfully) were my first two.  I was looking forward to having 3 eigth
year olds on the 15th of the month when Little Bear turns 8 as well.
I was truly blessed to have Milo for 8 wonderful years.  She brought much
love and joy into my life.  All of our lifes are truly blessed by our
little furry friends.
Amy and her 8 fur snakes and 12 fur angels.
[Posted in FML issue 2512]