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Wed, 2 Dec 1998 23:49:54 EST
Eunice Keely <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I have only been reading the FML for 2 weeks.  I had my Calvin for 2.5
years before getting my second ferret Gypsy.  She is 1 year old and such a
sweet girl.  I had visions of a companion for my baby boy.
Boy was I in for a surprise.  It seemed like all other ferrets in the world
were getting along but mine.  There is alot of hissing, and hair raising
and the worst part, he grabs her by the back of the neck and lays on top of
her.  They are both fixed.  He has been obsessed with dominating her.
I don't want to discourage you.  We have made some tremendous progress in
one month.  Gypsy is so sweet, I have someone else to play with when Calvin
is napping.  I really think it will work out eventually for us.  I have had
alot of encouragement from the people on the FML but I guess I just don't
know what kind of behavior is acceptable for sure.  Now that we have Gypsy
we love her too and will continue to try to make this work.
Eunice Keely
             Calvin (I wasn't hissing mom. . . .  HIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS)
             Gypsy (He needs to learn to have fun)
[Posted in FML issue 2511]