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Wed, 2 Dec 1998 12:21:26 -0600
Millie Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Jerry, you vocalized some of the thoughts I was having about this darkness
thing we are getting involved it.
It wasn't that long ago we were on the kick, they gotta have sun light, not
artificial light but real honest to goodness sunlight and talked of hooking
up sunlamps for them and then there was the kick it's best to feed them
their normal diet of mice and chicks, etc etc.
I am not a scientist but I believe you have a happier ferret that is a part
of a family, if you want something to keep in the dark, raise mushrooms.
It's kinda like owning diamonds you keep in a security box at the bank
instead of experiencing the enjoyment of wearing them.  As far back to
nature and the complete darkness...........there was moonlight and stars
from the beginning of time.  I don't think the ferrets all lived
underground to escape those traces of light.  Animals and people all adapt
to their surroundings, some areas producing longer periods of darkenss than
other areas, yet the same species is at both places.
That then is only common sense thinking and science has disrupted that for
years.  Before I go to the stage of storing them in a coffin, I am going to
want to see some good hard data proving the point.  In the meantime, we are
going to have fun,fun,fun.  I will now be more considerate and drape their
cages at night, I do have two little night lights in the den and I have an
all night light out at the horse barn which sheds a faint light in that
room.  Since I tuck each one in a hammock with their little cover before
going to bed, I will watch for little things I didn't think about before
and take steps to eliminate.  (I sleep with night lights in every room,
and I have 13 rooms - just like to check things out without having to turn
lights on).  Mine prefer the afternoon naps in the drawer of the couch and
small places, so I will provide darker places for daytime snoozes.  But I
won't lock them away for that long of a period of time.
Millie and her daytime, shined on, sun soaking noble cleaning crew
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  How do you know when Easy Off has been using the computer???
There is Liquid Paper on the monitor, snurkle snurkle
Cascade:  Dizzy you fell asleep before you got past the second paragraph
of my biology book..................
Ajax:  Boy, can't wait to get on Oscar's boat, rrrummmmmmUmmmmUmUmUm,
Dizzy:  Ajax, its not a speed boat, it is a romantic cruise like thingy
Joy:  If it gets you from point A to point B, that's alls necessary.
Cascade:  yes, Dizzy, to get you from point A to point B?????????????
[Posted in FML issue 2511]